Thursday, March 22, 2012

book a table

book a table, a new website that offering, discount in restaurant  and online booking, have a look, its worth trying, i will trying soon and let you know,

Free Coupons

Hello Again, today i am going to talk about  Free Coupons and Vouchers  

does anyone know a good website for Free Coupons and Vouchers , i am talking absolutely free
not to fill 100 page of information and spam my email, with different thing everyday, 
i just one voucher for what i am interesting not everything they have to offer, please let me know 
if there is something out there?

has anyone tried group-on  or Kgb-deals, tell me what do you think? i have tried them 
both and i will not try them again. there are few thing i did not like about the above website
first is payment in advance, and then, i found out the 50% of the money i payed goes 
to then and only 50% of the money i payed goes to the business owner, that made me 

thats why now on, i will only go for the website that do not take such  % of the money 

until next time, let me know if there is something good out there, 

thank you Again for coming to my blog

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hi Guys Thank you for coming to my blog, on this blog i am going to talk about restaurant vouchers 

there is a lots of website out there that offers discount Vouchers, for Restaurants but almost all of then, ask you to pay in advance, but there is few out there that offer vouchers absolutely  free, i have found on thats based in UK,

There is few things you should look when it comes toVoucher websites,  first you should look, if you paying in advance, when paying in advance there are lots of issues , there dates and timing you would like   sometimes its not posible, dut you have already payed, you have to attent time they give you.

Other times the websites you that give free voucher  charge the business 50% this is not good for the local business, as the local business do not make money, as leaves to a lots of bussiness closing down,

I usually check before, i get a voucher,  i tend not to go for very big companies, i am not going to say, but you all know what i mean, i tend to stik to smal local, if you live in Birmingham, i suget have a look at  i have read about this guy that set up this website, he works in a Bar and he know inside out of this triad, thats one of the reason we decided to set up this website to help local businesses in his area, he offers absolutely free advertising  for all. thats way i always get the coupons from his website, i suget you all have a look at this website,

this is all for now, i will keep you all informent, with new things when it comes to restaurant vouchers